Two guys from the States have proposed a modification to the FAST HUG mnemonic for reminding ICU teams of some of the evidence-based details to pay attention to every day in ICU patients. In fact, they propose patients receive FAST HUGS B.I.D:
F Feeding
A Analgesia
S Sedation
T Thromboembolic prophylaxis
H Head of bed elevation
U Ulcer (stress) prophylaxis
G Glycemic control
S Spontaneous breathing trial
B Bowel regimen
I Indwelling catheter removal
D De-escalation of antibiotics
The original author of FAST HUG, the famous Belgian intensivist JL Vincent, replies that the expansion of the mnemonic could go on forever, but the challenge is to keep it memorable by all staff.
Vincent W, Hatton KW: Critically ill patients need “FAST HUGS BID” (an updated mnemonic)
Crit Care Med 2009; 37:2326 –2327