In Dr Jason Nomura’s excellent blog he describes his technique to assist in viewing the needle during in-plane ultrasound guidance for vascular access.
The technique is described as follows:
- Obtain a sagittal view of the target vessel
- Stabilize the transducer and brace your hand. Then rock the probe to elevate the proximal section.
- Place the needle in the center of the probe (usually at the case seam) and under the probe footprint.
- Stop rocking the probe so the entire surface is again contacting the skin, the needle tip should be immediately visible.
- Advance the needle to the target vessel
Click the image below to go to the site and the demonstration video:
The “Ski Lift”: A Technique to Maximize Needle Visualization with the Long-axis Approach for Ultrasound-guided Vascular Access
Acad Emerg Med. 2010 Jul;17(7):e83-4