My talk at the SmaccGOLD conference in March 2014
Cliff Reid – When Should Resuscitation Stop from Social Media and Critical Care on Vimeo.
Here are the slides:
My talk at the SmaccGOLD conference in March 2014
Cliff Reid – When Should Resuscitation Stop from Social Media and Critical Care on Vimeo.
Here are the slides:
I was asked to speak at the Australasian Conference for Emergency Medicine‘s Annual Scientific Conference in Adelaide in November 2013. The title they gave me was ‘What a great job’. It was a great opportunity for me to explore some of the literature around what makes people happy, and whether emergency medicine has the ingredients to do that. It does. But not if you do too much.
The College has generously made available many of the conference talks as FOAM here.
Here’s my talk. The slideset is below.
2013 ASM: Dr Cliff Reid – What a great job from ACEM Digital Media on Vimeo.