Tag Archives: anaesthesia

Easy on the ELM

A first report of thyroid cartilage fracture resulting from laryngoscopy and intubation has been published. An elective surgery patient underwent paralysis with 60 mg rocuronium after which ‘laryngoscopy and intubation attempts with a Macintosh 3 blade, Miller 2 blade, stylet, and vigorous external laryngeal manipulation yielded only Cormack Lehane grade 3 views of the larynx‘. Intubation was eventually achieved with a Glidescope, but it was noted that ‘external laryngeal manipulation was applied as forcefully as the assistant could perform the maneuver‘.
The author suggests the fracture could either have resulted from the external laryngeal manipulation during laryngoscopy or from the rigid curved stylet used with the Glidescope. Whichever it was, their take home advice is sound:

Even during difficult laryngoscopies, gentle manipulations are best

I would add to this – do the ELM yourself – in other words, bimanual laryngoscopy.
Laryngoscopy Complicated by Thyroid Cartilage Fracture
Anesthesiology. 2010 Oct;113(4):993-4

More on Rocuronium (and Sugammadex)

While I am gradually being persuaded rocuronium might after all be a better choice than suxamethonium for rapid sequence intubation in critically ill patients- partly due to its relative preservation of apnoea time before desaturation in elective anaesthesia patients1 – I don’t believe that the existence and availability of its reversal agent, sugammadex, should really sway us in critical care. After all, we’re usually committed to getting an airway of some description (tracheal tube, supraglottic airway, or cricothyrotomy), and the relatively short duration of suxamethonium has never allowed me to ‘wake someone up and cancel the case’ in a critical care scenario. In fact, with sux, even healthy patients will desaturate before it wears off 2-4 if one is unable to intubate or ventilate.

But could we give sugammadex and reverse the rocuronium in time to save the patient in a can’t intubate/can’t ventilate (CICV) situation? This was tested in a simulation that studied the total time taken for anaesthetic teams to prepare and administer sugammadex from the time of their initial decision to use the drug5. The mean (SD) total time to administration of sugammadex was 6.7 (1.5) min, following which a further 2.2 min (giving a total 8.9 min) should be allowed to achieve a train-of-four ratio of 0.9. Four (22%) teams gave the correct dose, 10 (56%) teams gave a dose that was lower than recommended.
A reply to this article6 recommended some steps to speed up and improve the process:

  1. Brief the team that rocuronium is to be used and that should an unanticipated difficult airway situation be encountered, then sugammadex will be used to reverse the effects of the rocuronium.
  2. Allocate the task of drawing up the sugammadex to a specific team member who has no additional role in the rapid sequence induction.
  3. Before induction, a calculation is made of the dose of sugammadex (16 mg/kg) that would be required and the volume of drug that should be drawn up.
  4. The instruction is given that should the anaesthetist not confirm intubation within 2 min, then the sugammadex is to be drawn up and handed to the anaesthetist for administration.

There are of course rare situations where sugammadex can be a nuisance – it hangs around in renal failure and a recent case report 7described rocuronium (50mg followed by 30mg, patient weight not stated) failing to work on an elderly man who had received sugammadex 16 hours earlier! The authors of this case report state that in healthy patients, the mean cumulative percentage of sugammadex excreted in the urine over 24 h is 48–86%; therefore, a period of 24 h is recommended before a second administration of rocuronium. However, a good dose of rocuronium (1.2 mg/kg) should be effective after sugammadex reversal in previously healthy patients, but a study showed onset was slower and duration shorter if the second dose of rocuronium was given within 25 minutes of the sugammadex8.
So what are the take home points here? For me, the issues are:

  • Suxamethonium offers no real advantages over rocuronium for RSI in critical care – rocuronium at a dose of 1.2 mg/kg will provide similar intubating conditions to a good dose of sux9
  • Whatever you use, you need a rescue plan (supraglottic airway or transtracheal airway) for the CICV scenario
  • Sugammadex is a useful reversal agent in elective anaesthesia but is unlikely to be useful in a critical care scenario; however, if its use is anticipated it needs to be rehearsed as a standardised drill
  • Most of the literature on these agents pertains to well patients undergoing elective anaesthesia and we should be cautious about extrapolating results to the critical care setting
  • Finally, the urgency of a CICV can be reduced by CICVBCO – ‘can’t intubate, can’t ventilate, but CAN oxygenate’ – apnoeic diffusion oxygenation should be employed using pharyngeal or nasal oxygen10. Such a simple but underutilised technique can hugely improve the safety of RSI in critical care, and is described here.

1. Effect of suxamethonium vs rocuronium on onset of oxygen desaturation during apnoea following rapid sequence induction
Anaesthesia. 2010 Apr;65(4):358-61
2. Critical hemoglobin desaturation will occur before return to an unparalyzed state following 1 mg/kg intravenous succinylcholine.
Anesthesiology. 1997 Oct;87(4):979-8
3. Hemoglobin desaturation after succinylcholine-induced apnea: a study of the recovery of spontaneous ventilation in healthy volunteers.
Anesthesiology. 2001 May;94(5):754-9
4. Succinylcholine dosage and apnea-induced hemoglobin desaturation in patients
Anesthesiology. 2005 Jan;102(1):35-40
5. Can sugammadex save a patient in a simulated ‘cannot intubate, cannot ventilate’ situation?
Anaesthesia. 2010 Sep;65(9):936-41
6. Can sugammadex save a patient in a simulated ‘cannot intubate, cannot ventilate’ situation?
Anaesthesia. 2011 Mar;66(3):223-4
7. Unexpected failure of rocuronium-mediated neuromuscular blockade
Anaesthesia. 2011 Jan;66(1):58-9
8. Repeat dosing of rocuronium 1.2 mg kg−1 after reversal of neuromuscular block by sugammadex 4.0 mg kg−1 in anaesthetized healthy volunteers: a modelling-based pilot study
Br J Anaesth. 2010 Oct;105(4):487-92
9. Comparison of Succinylcholine and Rocuronium for First-attempt Intubation Success in the Emergency Department
Acad Emerg Med. 2011;18:11-14
10. Critical hemoglobin desaturation can be delayed by apneic diffusion oxygenation
Anesthesiology. 1999 Jan;90(1):332-3

Neuromuscular blockade facilitates mask ventilation

A blinded randomised controlled trial of rocuronium versus saline in anaesthetised patients demonstrated that mask ventilation was easier in paralysed patients.
The authors comment on the implications of this finding:
Our finding that neuromuscular blockade facilitates mask ventilation has important implications for the practice of managing difficult or impossible mask ventilation after administration of these drugs. Options in this case include returning to spontaneous ventilation, tracheal intubation, placement of a supraglottic airway device or obtaining emergency invasive airway access. In most cases, returning to spontaneous ventilation is not practical in a reasonable time frame, leaving tracheal intubation, supraglottic airway placement or emergency invasive airway access as the only feasible choices. Considerable evidence exists indicating that neuromuscular blockade facilitates tracheal intubation; and since our data further indicate that neuromuscular blockade facilitates mask ventilation, it follows that administering neuromuscular blockade is an advantage, rather than a hindrance when given early in a case of unrecognised difficult mask ventilation.
We wished to test the hypothesis that neuromuscular blockade facilitates mask ventilation. In order reliably and reproducibly to assess the efficiency of mask ventilation, we developed a novel grading scale (Warters scale), based on attempts to generate a standardised tidal volume. Following induction of general anaesthesia, a blinded anaesthesia provider assessed mask ventilation in 90 patients using our novel grading scale. The non-blinded anaesthesiologist then randomly administered rocuronium or normal saline. After 2 min, mask ventilation was reassessed by the blinded practitioner. Rocuronium significantly improved ventilation scores on the Warters scale (mean (SD) 2.3 (1.6) vs 1.2 (0.9), p<0.001). In a subgroup of patients with a baseline Warters scale value of >3 (i.e. difficult to mask ventilate; n=14), the ventilation scores also showed significant improvement (4.2 (1.2) vs 1.9 (1.0), p=0.0002). Saline administration had no effect on ventilation scores. Our data indicate that neuromuscular blockade facilitates mask ventilation. We discuss the implications of this finding for unexpected difficult airway management and for the practice of confirming adequate mask ventilation before the administration of neuromuscular blockade.
The effect of neuromuscular blockade on mask ventilation
Anaesthesia. 2011 Mar;66(3):163-7

Propofol and the heart

I don’t normally blog about animal studies, but on reading a review of recent(-ish) shock research I was interested in the following piece that describes the effect of diffrent induction agents on rat heart muscle:
Sedation is frequently necessary in patients with septic shock, and therefore Zausig and colleagues investigated the effects of dose-dependent effects of various induction agents (propofol, midazolam, s(+)-ketamine, methohexitone, etomidate) in a Langendorff heart preparation from rats rendered septic by CLP. Propofol exerted the most pronounced depressant effects on both the maximal systolic contraction and the minimal diastolic relaxation, and cardiac work. Furthermore, propofol only adversely deleteriously affected the myocardial oxygen supply- demand ratio. In contrast, s(+)-ketamine was associated with the best maintenance of cardiac function. Within the limits of the study – that is, the use of an ex vivo isolated organ model – the authors concluded that s(+)-ketamine may be an alternative to the comparably inert etomidate, the use of which is, however, limited due to its endocrine side effects.

Of course we should be cautious about extrapolating animal lab work to clinical practice, but this supports my position of vehement opposition to the injudicious use of propofol for RSI in critically ill patients!
Year in review 2009: Critical Care – shock
Critical Care 2010, 14:239 Full text

Sux vs Roc in ED RSI

Suxamethonium and rocuronium were compared in a database of prospectively recorded cases of RSI in the emergency department.
A total of 327 RSI were included in the final analyses. All patients received etomidate as the induction sedative and were successfully intubated. Of these, 113 and 214 intubations were performed using succinylcholine and rocuronium, respectively.

  • The rate of first-attempt intubation success was similar between the succinylcholine and rocuronium groups (72.6% vs. 72.9%, p = 0.95).
  • Median doses used for succinylcholine and rocuronium were 1.65 mg/kg (interquartile range [IQR] = 1.26–1.95 mg/kg) and 1.19 mg/kg (IQR = 1–1.45 mg/kg), respectively.
  • The median dose of etomidate was 0.25 mg/kg in both groups.

In this study succinylcholine and rocuronium were equivalent with regard to first-attempt intubation success in the ED. This finding is consistent with previous investigations that used doses between 0.9 and 1.2 mg/kg and found similar intubating conditions to succinylcholine at these higher doses; subgroup analyses of studies using a lower rocuronium dose of 0.6 to 0.7 mg/kg had a relative risk favoring succinylcholine for excellent intubating conditions.
The low (in my view) rate of first-attempt intubation success in both groups was (72.6% vs. 72.9%), does make one wonder whether the intubating clinicians optimised their strategy for first-pass success.
Comparison of Succinylcholine and Rocuronium for First-attempt Intubation Success in the Emergency Department
Acad Emerg Med. 2011;18:11-14

Intubating spinal patients – the haemodynamics

Laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation transiently increase arterial pressure, heart rate (HR), and circulating catecholamines, in part attributed to reflex sympathetic discharge. In a complete spinal cord injury, the sympathetic nervous system and hence the cardiovascular responses to the intubation may be differentially affected according to the level of injury. Patients with acute quadriplegia often have a low resting arterial pressure due to inappropriate vasodilatation and loss of cardiac inotropy. Moreover, they frequently exhibit arrhythmias, reflex bradycardia, and cardiac arrest, especially during tracheal suction. In the days to weeks after injury, however, the reflex functioning of the lower cord recovers to maintain normal vascular tone. In the chronic stage, peripheral vascular changes and a loss of descending inhibitory control result in paroxysmal hypertension.
Korean investigators KY Yoo and colleagues1 aimed to determine the effect of the level (quadriplegia vs paraplegia) and duration of spinal cord injury on haemodynamic and catecholamine responses to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation in patients with spinal cord injury. The outcome measures were the changes in systolic arterial pressure (SAP), HR, and catecholamine levels above awake baseline values after intubation.
Patients were divided into two groups: quadriplegia (above C7) and paraplegia (below T5). Each group was divided into six subgroups according to the time elapsed after the injury: <4 weeks (acute), 4 weeks– 1 yr, 1–5, 5–10, 10–20, and >20 yr. Twenty non-disabled patients undergoing surgery requiring tracheal intubation served as controls.
Patients with high-level paraplegia (T1–T4) were excluded because they were few in number and they had previously ‘shown different haemodynamic and catecholamine responses from the other groups2 which refers to work published by the same authors, in which high-paraplegic patients had a more pronounced increase in heart rate compared with other groups. Confusingly the ‘patients who were at increased risk of hyperkalemia after succinylcholine were excluded‘ although this statement appears only in the discussion, not the methods.
Anaesthesia was induced with sodium thiopental 5 mg/kg administered i.v. over 20 s, followed by succinylcholine 1 mg/kg for 5 s, and was followed by direct laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation.
Results were as follows:

  • SAP decreased after the induction of anaesthesia with thiopental in all subjects including the controls (P<0.05).
  • SAP then increased in response to tracheal intubation in the control and paraplegics (P<0.001), whereas it remained unaltered in the quadriplegics regardless of the time since injury.
  • In the paraplegics, the magnitude of maximum increase from baseline values was similar within 10 yr of injury, but was higher thereafter compared with that in the controls (P<0.05).
  • The maximum increase in SAP from baseline values after tracheal intubation was greater in the paraplegics than in the quadriplegics (P<0.0001).
  • An increase in SAP.130% of preinduction baseline values or 160 mm Hg was noted in three (4.2%) of 71 quadriplegics and 94 (65.7%) of 143 paraplegics.
  • The incidence of hypertension was significantly lower and that of hypotension significantly higher in the quadriplegics than in the control.
  • HR increased after induction ofanaesthesia in all groups, but less so in the quadriplegic groups.
  • Although baseline bradycardia was common in the acute quadriplegics, none of them showed further slowing during induction of anaesthesia and tracheal intubation.
  • Tracheal intubation increased plasma norepinephrine concentrations in all subjects except the acute quadriplegics.
  • Epinephrine concentrations were not significantly different between before and after intubation either in the quadriplegics or in the paraplegics, nor were they different between the groups with regard to the duration of injury.
  • The authors summarise: The pressor response was abolished in all quadriplegics regardless of the time elapsed after the injury. In contrast, the chronotropic and catecholamine responses differed over time. The chronotropic response was attenuated and the catecholamine response abolished in the acute quadriplegics. The chronotropic and catecholamine responses were improved in the quadriplegics after 4 weeks since the injury. In the paraplegic patients, cardiovascular responses did not change in the 10 yr after injury and the pressor response was enhanced at 10 yr or more after injury.
    1.Altered cardiovascular responses to tracheal intubation in patients with complete spinal cord injury: relation to time course and affected level
    Br J Anaesth. 2010 Dec;105(6):753-9
    2. Hemodynamic and catecholamine responses to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation in patients with complete spinal cord injuries.
    Anesthesiolgy 2001; 95: 647–51

    Ketamine update

    Anaesthetist Dr Jan Persson from Stockholm has published an updated review of recent ketamine literature. The following interesting facts about our favourite drug are extracted from Dr Persson’s paper:

    • Action on multiple receptors earns it the nickname: ‘the nightmare of the pharmacologist’
    • Recently ketamine has also been shown to inhibit tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF- alpha) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) gene expressions in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-activated macrophages. It has been speculated that these antiproinflammatory effects may be responsible for antihyperalgesic effects of ketamine
    • Ketamine can exist in two forms, or enantiomers; S-ketamine and R-ketamine. The physical properties of the enantiomers are identical, but their interactions with complex molecules, underlying PK/PD parameters, might differ. It has been well established that the elimination clearance of S-ketamine is larger than that of R-ketamine. The S-form has been commercially available for several years, probably based on the perception that it would have a better effect to side-effect ratio. The recent literature calls into question the proposed advantages of the S-enantiomer.

    • Ketamine has been shown to induce neuroapoptosis, or neuronal cell death, in newborn animals. This is obviously a concern in paediatrics, where ketamine plays an important role, both in anaesthesia and for sedation/analgesia during painful procedures. The relevance in humans of these effects, however, is unclear, and as pointed out by Green and Cote it does seem unlikely, for various reasons, that such an effect would be of major importance. It does not seem likely, though possible, that a clinically relevant effect would have passed unnoticed.
    • Another, somewhat unexpected, side effect that has emerged in recent years is bladder dysfunction. In some cases the bladder effects progress to ulcerative cystitis. Although the reported cases have mainly concerned recreational drug users, they are relevant for long-term analgesic use as well. The mechanisms involved are unknown. This side effect might turn out to be the most serious limitation to long-term analgesic treatment with ketamine.

    Wherefore ketamine?
    Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2010 Aug;23(4):455-60

    Tracheobronchial Foreign Bodies in Children

    Asphyxiation by an inhaled foreign body is a leading cause of accidental death among children younger than 4 years. A review article examining 12,979 paediatric bronchoscopies made the following observations:

    • Most aspirated foreign bodies are organic materials (81%, confidence interval [CI] = 77%-86%), nuts and seeds being the most common.
    • The majority of foreign bodies (88%, CI = 85%-91%) lodge in the bronchial tree, with the remainder catching in the larynx or trachea.
    • The incidence of right-sided foreign bodies (52%, CI = 48%-55%) is higher than that of left-sided foreign bodies (33%, CI = 30%-37%). A small number of objects fragment and lodge in different parts of the airways.
    • A history of a witnessed choking event is highly suggestive of an acute aspiration.
    • A history of cough is highly sensitive for foreign body aspiration but is not very specific. On the other hand, a history of cyanosis or stridor is very specific for foreign body aspiration but is not very sensitive.
    • Signs and symptoms typical in delayed presentations include unilateral decreased breath sounds and rhonchi, persistent cough or wheezing, recurrent or nonresolving pneumonia, or rarely, pneumothorax.
    • Only 11% (CI = 8%-16%) of the foreign bodies were radio-opaque on radiograph, with chest radiographs being normal in 17% of children (CI = 13%-22%).
    • The common radiographic abnormalities included localized emphysema and air trapping, atelectasis, infiltrate, and mediastinal shift.
    • Although rigid bronchoscopy is the traditional diagnostic “gold standard,” the use of computerized tomography, virtual bronchoscopy, and flexible bronchoscopy is increasing.
    • Reported mortality during bronchoscopy is 0.42%.
    • Although asphyxia at presentation or initial emergency bronchoscopy causes some deaths, hypoxic cardiac arrest during retrieval of the object, bronchial rupture, and unspecified intraoperative complications in previously stable patients constitute the majority of in-hospital fatalities.
    • Major complications include severe laryngeal edema or bronchospasm requiring tracheotomy or reintubation, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, cardiac arrest, tracheal or bronchial laceration, and hypoxic brain damage (0.96%).
    • Aspiration of gastric contents is not reported.

    End expiratory film: delayed emptying of the left lung suggests local air trapping

    Anaesthetic considerations

    • Preoperative assessment should determine where the aspirated foreign body has lodged, what was aspirated, and when the aspiration occurred (“what, where, when”).
    • The choices of inhaled or IV induction, spontaneous or controlled ventilation, and inhaled or IV maintenance may be individualized to the circumstances. Although several anesthetic techniques are effective for managing children with foreign body aspiration, there is no consensus from the literature as to which technique is optimal.
    • An induction that maintains spontaneous ventilation is commonly practiced to minimize the risk of converting a partial proximal obstruction to a complete obstruction.
    • Controlled ventilation combined with IV drugs and paralysis allows for suitable rigid bronchoscopy conditions and a consistent level of anesthesia.
    • Close communication between the anesthesiologist, bronchoscopist, and assistants is essential.

    The Anesthetic Considerations of Tracheobronchial Foreign Bodies in Children: A Literature Review of 12,979 Cases
    Anesth Analg. 2010 Oct;111(4):1016-25

    Needle crike: low rate and allow exhalation

    Two dedicated devices for transtracheal oxygen delivery through a cricothyroidotomy needle are available, the ENK Oxygen Flow Modulator (ENK) and the Manujet. Both maintain oxygenation, but the ENK is thought to achieve better ventilation (as previously shown in a pig model) because of a continuous flow that provides CO2 washout between insufflations. Very little is known concerning the lung pressures generated with these 2 devices, so a study using a simulated trachea and artificial lung model sought to determine oxygen flow, tidal volumes, and airway pressures at different occlusion rates and during both simulated partial and complete upper airway obstruction.


    Gas flow and tidal volume were 3 times greater with the Manujet than the ENK (approximately 37 vs 14 L/min and 700 vs 250 mL, respectively) and were not dependent on the respiratory rate. In the absence of ventilation, the ENK delivered a 0.6+/-0.1 L/min constant gas flow. In the totally occluded airway, lung pressures increased to 136 cm H2O after 3 insufflations with the Manujet, whereas the ENK, which has a pressure release vent, generated acceptable pressures at a low respiratory rate (4 breaths/min) (peak pressure at 27.7 +/-0.7 and end-expiratory pressure at 18.8+/- 3.8 cm H2O). When used at a respiratory rate of 12 breaths/min, the ENK generated higher pressures (peak pressure at 95.9 +/- 21.2 and end-expiratory pressure at 51.4+/- 21.4 cm H2O). In the partially occluded airway, lung pressures were significantly greater with the Manujet compared with the ENK, and pressures increased with the respiratory rate with both devices. Finally, the gas flow and tidal volume generated by the Manujet varied proportionally with the driving pressure.
    The authors asset that this study confirms:

    • the absolute necessity of allowing gas exhalation between 2 insufflations and
    • maintaining low respiratory rates during transtracheal oxygenation.

    In the case of total airway obstruction, the ENK may be less deleterious because it has a pressure release vent. Using a Manujet at lower driving pressures may decrease the risk of barotrauma and allow the safe use of higher respiratory rates


    Oxygen delivery during transtracheal oxygenation: a comparison of two manual devices
    Anesth Analg. 2010 Oct;111(4):922-4

    Isoflurane in refractory status epilepticus

    One infrequently used option for refractory status epilepticus is isoflurane anaesthesia. A report of two cases demonstrates progressive MRI changes suggestive of neurotoxicity, that improved after discontinuation of isoflurane. Impossible to prove cause and effect here, since the both patients had status for weeks and were on multiple anticonvulsant medications, for example lorazepam, fosphenytoin, levetiracetam, valproate, and subsequent infusions of midazolam, pentobarbital, and ketamine. Neither patient recovered beyond a minimally conscious state. This article serves as a reminder that:

    1. Persistent status epilepticus may be associated with a poor neurologic outcome
    2. Some cases are extremely refractory to treatment
    3. Isoflurane is one of many options to try when standard anticonvulsant regimens are failing

    Prolonged High-Dose Isoflurane for Refractory Status Epilepticus: Is It Safe?
    Anesth Analg. 2010 Dec;111(6):1520-4